Saturday, April 12, 2008

Let's Go Fishing and Camping!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
We had one excited little boy in our house this morning! Phil and Timothy got up at 5:30 and went fishing in Denton. A planned father and son trip. Timothy has been talking about this all week. After their fishing trip, they are going to Aubrey, TX at a camp called, "Rancho de la Roca." That means the "Ranch of the Rock" in English. They will be spending the night there with Timothy's cub scout troop.

This is Timothy's first camp out with his troop! I'm so thankful that Phil can be home more now and be able to take him on these outings. He is such a wonderful father!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Phil and Timothy got back around noon today. They didn't get any pictures from the fishing trip because they left early. It was very windy and cold. They did get pictures from the camp out. They are below.

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